Sonntag, 7. Juli 2013

Finally some holidays.... but wait, money reins the world, right?

Okay, I´ve got my degree, the prom I had to organize is over and everything is nice and tidy and the financials are perfect.
Time to lean back and enjoy having nothing to do, finally sending away the applications for university and relax.
But wait, why lean back if you can earn some money, university doesn´t pay itself, at least not if you only have an 1,5. I understand it, but can´t I have some time off?
According to my mother? No.
So I´ve been working the whole week, carrying huge, heavy packages and stacking shelves.
My back is aching and my feet burn! I am still exhausted from prom and the cleaning afterwards and I barely get any sleep because I still have to do some finances for or year and do applications.
So you see, life is not too good to me right now.
Well, so it seems, but guess what?
I´m in love!
He is so nice to me and he is smart, witty and just perfect!
His eyes sparkle when he laughs and he always lays his head on his side when he looks at me!
And finally I´m in love with a guy who is not in a relationship, so he´s not off-limits!
Well, he is a bit older than me and still goes to school. And that is where the problem lies.
I´ll be moving in three months, and he´ll stay behind and we won´t see each other often.
So, what do you think, should I end it before we really build a relationship or should I leave it to fate? I mean, there qre long-distance-relationships that work. but I simply don´t think that we would be one of them.
There is a small chance that I´ll get a place at the university where his brother studies and he visits him quite frequently.
Oh, I don´t know what to do and I barely see him now, because I have to work :(
Urgghh... and in August, when I´ll have to weeks off and he won´t have school, I promised a friend of mine to go on vacation with her. It´s just so frustrating...
Oh my, all my posts are soo negative,
but I promise, I´ll be better! :)

Freitag, 21. Juni 2013

Guess what? 
I´ve got my degree! And ?
I know, I was very pessimistic about my chances for studying medicine, but due to the fact that I have 15 points in biology (from 15!) and a 1,5-degree!!!
Soooo... Thanks to the awesome university of Kiel, I may have a good chance at fulfilling my dream :)
Right now I am way tooo happy for the fact that I don´t actually have an offer for a place at university, but still have to wait, but I guess it´s the feeling of freedom...
For the first time since I decided on becoming a doctor, I have a little weight taken from my shoulder.
It´s not as if everyone puts me under pressure, it´s me who´s trying to make me match my expectations.
But yeah, things can´t go all that wrong from now on, cause well, I have possibilities now! I may even be good enough for studying at our army, the Bundeswehr!
It isn´t what I really want, because you are obligated to stay with them for at least 17 years, but they are a good employer and I always wanted to help people under extreme situations.
Therefore I want to work with the medecins sans frontieres if I study at a normal university, that´s one of the aims I want to accomplish in life.
I know it´s a short post, but I have to go to send some applications :)

Montag, 10. Juni 2013


Well, where do I begin?
On Wednesday I´ll have my last exam.
As in: my last exam in school! Right now I´m too panicked to learn ( like I should... ) and so I decided to fill this blog a bit more.
I really have some issues right now, because I´ll never get the grades I need to study medicine in germany.
In germany you need the very best grades to be accepted in university for medicine, and well, instead of an 1,0 I can hope for an 1,4 or 1,3. That would be acceptable, if all of those who have a better grade in germany would have written the same exams that I have, but instead there are huge differences between the different federal states. I live in Bavaria and together with Baden-Württemberg we have one of the hardest A-levels in Germany. We only have 12 years of school and have to know the same amount ( sometimes more! ) like the other states with 13 years of school. Another disadvantage we have: we have to take the exams in 5 subjects, and two of them HAVE to be maths and german, as third we MUST take a language and as fourth we´ll have to decide between history, geography or religion. Oh, but the fifth one we can choose, but mind you, you can´t select another social study.
Others do not even have to do maths! And they only have to take exams in 4 (!!!) subjects, and their exams are a lot easier ( some we did in eleventh grade and most of us were pretty good... )
I see that it´s not the fault of the other pupils and I do not want to make their efforts look poor, but I simply do not find it fair that I have to compete with them over a place at university. It drives me crazy, because I simply cannot afford the fees of a private college and I do not want to do anything else than study medicine.
As it is quite unrealistic for me to be accepted right away I am panicking about what to do now.
I already have a job to do for a few months after graduation and I am in the process of application for the chance to teach english and german in a foreign country (wish me luck it´s asia or africa!), but it doesn´t bring me any nearer towards my dream and the idea of not becoming a surgeon makes me desperate.
Additionally, everywhere I did a working placement, the people told me I would become a great doctor, because one can feel my passion for it.
In my free time I love to read articles about new therapies, I like the smell of hospitals and whenever I can I help people.
Shouldn´t this matter when it comes to the decision who´ll get the place at university? I got to know quite a few people who want to become a doctor for prestige and money and as they have the grades ( mind you, not in Bavaria, but in Hessen ) they think it natural to become a doctor.
Ironically, one of those can´t even see blood wihtout fainting. Why would he want to study medicine, where you have to work on corpses???
It just pisses me off.
Sorry to all the people from the other federal states, but this had to be said.
I really hope that the plans of the government to make final exams that are the same all over the country. That would help to make the distribution of places at university a bit fairer.
Well, when I had my last exam on wednesday, I´ll be sure to really start making book posts ;)
Until then:
wish me luck, I really need it.
I´ll take my last oral exam in history, and though I know a lot, i cannot recall when which KZ was built and when the Americans built their first trainstation.
with the best wishes,

Montag, 3. Juni 2013

First entry, quite intimitating

Hey :)
First of all I´d like to introduce myself,
my name is Sanna, I am 17 years old and from Germany.
As I am in the middle of my final exams I am quite nervous and thus decided on blogging about everything coming on my mind, but mostly books.
For the name of my blog: I just love the way snow looks when you spill paint on liquid paint on it and it seeps deep into it, just marvellous!
Well, in fact that is the only thing besides skiing that I like concerning snow. I´m not so the wintertype, I need the heat of a beach in summer.
As I never know how to introduce myself properly, I´ll just leave it to that.
Something I really love is the magic, that books can do.
You had an awful week, everything is going on your nerves and there does not seem to be an end to the mess ? Take a hot bath and read Harry Potter. There is no better medicine to a shitty day than this, believe me!
Hogwarts is my comfort zone. I can blend everythign else out and just imagine how it would be to fly over the great lake or wander the halls with a ghost!
Or maybe your life seems rather dull at times? You seem to crave for action?
Try Divergent by Veronica Roth, it´s great!
Really, escaping into a book can make the whole world look different than before!
You really miss the feel of falling in love ?
How about sweet Prince Maxon from The Selection?

You see,
books are the cure.
Well, with beeing new to blogging, I somehow didn´t think that anybody would read what I have to say, but right now I wanted to share some thoughts on books :)
Recently I´ve been on vacation, and as the weather was going to be not all that well, I prepared and loaded tons of free eBooks on my Kindle. (but from, so I do not know, wether they will be free on
Right now I am more into Fantasy and Dystopians, so I could not wait to read them all, and indeed, some were quite marvellous, so as soon as I was home, i could not help it. I just had to buy some sequels!
So, here are some of my favourite reads during my holiday:

First one is Lark by Erica Cope

Mia is very much in love with Grey, her best friend.
It is not only a little crush, she fell hard.
But even though Grey has this longing inside his gaze, something is holding him back.
After some creepy occurences, she gets the perfect gift from Grey: a book. Though, the fairytale inside seems to be quite boring, as it deals with the family history of the elves.
After a terrible car crash, Mia has to realize that the fairytale might not be so boring anymore.
Well, how could she with being a part of it?

I just loved it! Sometimes it has the feeling of a fairytale, sometimes it is more about a lovestory and then again it is full of action.
A huge BUT: I just hate love triangles! Why is it, that every time I start to fall for a character, he has to be challenged by another and be betrayed? I mean, what is wrong with a straight love? You know, without having to worry it will be your endeared that will win the girl´s heart? Seriously, I can´t understand it!

Second in line: Sweet Delicious Madness and the Many Mysterious Deaths of Silvio Berlusconi by Julie Sarff

As I simply can´t write summaries (something I often enough failed at in class), I decided to takt those from goodreads:

 Forced to take a job as housemaid at the villa, Lily finds intrigue around every unkempt bed and dirty cooking utensil. In her quest for a new romance, Lily must face such horrors as rampaging kittens, a gardener with a mysterious orange box, a fellow housemaid who claims the Italian Prime Minister will keel over at any moment (even this one), a sexy man with a very nasty surprise, a search of a claustrophobic basement for some long lost diamonds and preschoolers.

This book made me laugh so hard, but at the same time feel so sorry for Lily! I think Julie Sarff has done an amazing job to entertain. But one thing, that made me crave more, was Brandon Logan! He is not ony hot, super rich and generous, he is also funny, endearing, nice, helpful, understanding. In short: He simply is the perfect man. No offense guys, but noone can compete to him! Well, maybe except for Will from the infernal device series... (yum!).

Third (and for today the last): The Selction by Kiera Cass

America is more than happy with being a five. I mean, she could be a seven, or worse, an eight!
Being a five, she can stick to what she loves: music. Her secret boyfriend Aspen, on the other side, is not that lucky. He´s a six, what makes him a servant. Living in a society, where everything is determined by your caste, love between them seams hard. If they should be marry, it would be an decrease in living conditions for America, though this doesn´t seem to bother the 17-year-old girl. Aspen, on the other side, insists that she takes the chance to escape all this poverty when she is invited to sign up for the Selection. With the additional pressure of her mother, America decides to try her luck not to be selected for one of the 36 girls competing for Prince Maxons hand and thus the crown. Too bad for her, that she is among them.

Fairytale meets Bachelor in a dystopian novel. Well, if I had to give it any rating from one to ten, it´d get a nine. Although I just loved the book (and by the way, also the sequel) it seems to be a bit slow-paced AND why do all my favourite books have to contain a love-triangle! I really don´t get it! Okay, as i complained about it before, I´ll just drop the topic for now. At first I hesistated to buy the book as many gave it a negative rating, but I´m happy that I decided against it. This book made me stay up late and nearly missing a date I had! It even made me cry from time to time, but at the next moment radiated happiness.
Believe me, you simply need to read this if there is a little girl inside you, dreaming of being carried away by thei prince on the back of a horse. 
Oh, and by the way: I´m Team Maxon and I can´t wait for the 6th of May 2014 to finally come so I can read the third book and know, wether everything turns out allright!

That was it from me, at least for today. I find it hard to begin with a post, but once I´m into it, it goes easy, so I hope I´ll be able to start some more frequently!
For the chance that there is somebody reading this, I would like to know what book you can recommend, I am desperately looking for good dystopian novels :)

Sanna :)